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Федеральный Исследовательский Центр

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Newsline 17.01.2025

Employees of Central Soil Museum by V.V. Dokuchaev FRC V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute have developed (*) a booklet titled "Soil-Carbon-Climate."

The Central Soil Museum by V.V. Dokuchaev (a branch of the Federal Research Center "V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute") has developed (*) a booklet titled "Soil-Carbon-Climate" (12+), intended for middle and high school students aged 12 and older.   

The booklet's main objective is to help students understand current solutions to global environmental problems and, consequently, motivate them to apply their knowledge practically.  

The booklet is designed as a comic book with brief explanatory text. The first section describes the problem of modern global climate change and the role of the KIP NI “Russian Climate Monitoring System» in addressing this problem. The goal of this section is to create an understanding of the causes and consequences of global climate change, emphasizing the role of greenhouse gases and climate-active substances. 

The next section presents information on the crucial biosphere functions of soil organic matter, which plays a key role in the biogeochemical carbon cycle. It addresses the problem of soil degradation and outlines the main reasons for increased carbon dioxide emissions.   

The final section focuses on current research directions in carbon dynamics in Russian agro-ecosystems and aims to provide an understanding of humus-conserving technologies and the influence of land use types on the soil's carbon sequestration potential.   

Employees of the Federal Research Center "V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute" and its branches participate in the "Ground-based Studies. Carbon Pools" direction within the "RITM of Carbon" consortium, working on the "Russian Climate Monitoring System" project (a key innovative project of national importance, supervised by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation).  

(*) A pilot (test) version has been published.